Ground-penetrating radar is the best-available technology and industry standard for locating buried cultural features such as historic sites, cemeteries, and unmarked graves. GPR provides rapid area coverage and detailed imaging of the subsurface to evaluate archaeological sites without the need for invasive methods. Non-invasive methods are especially important throughout Alaska where cultural heritage is so valuable. We’ve used geophysical tools at archaeological sites across the state of Alaska, dating from the early 1800s to World War II era, to find graves, dwelling sites, buried artifacts, and other objects of cultural significance. We can also produce 3D images to enhance subsurface site visualization!
Gridded GPR data showing correlation of data anomalies (red,yellow) with headstone locations (black triangles) at a site in Idaho
Applications include:
Buried Walls and Foundations
Cemeteries and Graves
Forensics - graves and buried objects
Historic Construction
Historic Site Investigations
Artifact Discovery
With the right frequency of antenna, proper survey design, and expert processing, we can provide you with the optimal chance of success when locating archaeological features of concern. If GPR is not the best tool for your site, we can employ other tools that are often used for cemetery and other archaeological surveys, such as electrical resistivity tools and magnetometers.
See our recently published article on locating graves as a remote site in Alaska, where the cemetery and the church are threatened by ongoing coastal erosion.